July 2nd – 7 AM SLT – 2022年7月2日(土)23:00 日本時間

The Akipelago presents,

「音と光の即興コンサート”albedo 0.39″」

“albedo 0.39” – Vangelis Memorial Performance

セカンドライフカラ生中継 Live in real time from Second Life

Piano: Rulie Cisse / Art & effects: Kerupa Flow

その偉業を称え、心からの感謝を込め「音と光の即興コンサート”albedo 0.39″」が開演されます。
その刺激的な模様は「ピアノな時間: Rulie Cisse」YouTubeチャンネル より

His music was always present in scenes of grandeur, delicacy, mystery, and emotion. In honor of his accomplishments and with heartfelt gratitude, “albedo 0.39,” an improvised concert of sound and light, will be performed. The two artists will perform together at the Metaverse venue, influencing each other’s expressions in real time, even though they are far away from each other in the real world. This exciting event will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel @ Piano Time: Rulie Cisse for everyone around the world to enjoy.

Please look forward to it! どうぞお楽しみに!

AIR – AMPLITUDE: Rulie Cisse

RULIE CISSE YouTube channel
4K live broadcast URL

Our cheerful welcome for the beauty of art and music!

Akimori – Kerupa Stage Teleport

Rulie Cisseは、より高質な演奏表現をリアルタイムに皆様へお届けし続けていくために、

Rulie Cisse is developing its performance activities with the goal of realizing the monetization of its YouTube channel in order to continue to provide you with higher quality performance expressions in real time. Thanks to your warm viewing of our videos, we were able to meet the requirements for video playback time this spring, and we thank you very much for your support. The only thing left to do is to “achieve 1,000 subscribers,” and we will be more proactive in developing new expressions and collaborations. We are looking forward to your continued support.

Akipelagoから毎月お送りし続けるイベント「artistic fusion」。


Rulie Cisse は、より高質な演奏表現をリアルタイムに皆様へお届けし続けていくために、YouTubeチャンネルの収益化実現を目標に演奏活動を展開しています。皆様の温かいご視聴によって動画の再生時間に関する条件はこの春にクリアすることができ、本当にありがとうございました。残すところは「登録者数1000名の達成」のみとなっておりますので、新しい表現やコラボレーションなどをより積極的に展開してまいります。どうぞよりいっそうの応援をよろしくおねがい申し上げます。

Google Calendar – To check the performance schedule 公演スケジュール最新版

FaceBook – Twitter

Internet Radio

 *24 hours non-stop free continuous broadcasting, irregular updates.
 (Can also be streamed to Second Life land.)

 RULIE CISSE Management Office in Second Life
Inquiries about fan group participation and performances in inworld


All cover songs arranged and performed by: Rulie Cisse
All copyrights to the original tunes belong to: Project Legato (Katsushi Sakamoto)
Use without permission of the right holder is strictly prohibited.

Violet Boa – Akipelago PR & Art Promotion

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