2 – 4. April 2021

Club Lion Announces the Mega Event of the Century!

Another great year has gone by, and it’s hard to believe it’s already our 13-year Club Lion Celebration. The theme for this year’s Celebration will be “Together into the Future”. You will be blown away by this incredible venue with giant whales and aquatic life swimming around you. We spared no expense in bringing you this awesome Mega Event, one like you’ve never seen before, so you really don’t want to miss it!

This year’s party will be the best ever with an amazing line-up of DJ’s and live performers.

Hold onto your seats because this Mega Event will go on for 3 days from 10am SLT to 6pm SLT each day.

We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy happy times with us.
BIG thank to all our DJ’s & Performers in advance for participating in our celebration.
(For the Best View please check Advanced Light Setting)

Hosts: VeritasMcMaster – Shrike Rossini – Resmay Bloodstorm – Huanita Wunderlich – Arilein

Club Lion Teleport

Club Lion presents,

Friday 2 April 2021

10 AM – Singer/DJ Aragon Ducrot
12 PM – Jack Dryden
1 PM – Shaye Dezno
2 PM – Khiron Ametza
3 PM – Ambrosia Kamala
4 PM – Clairede Dirval
5 PM – ElvisAronPresley Lisa

Saturday 3 April 2021

10 AM – DJ Regi Yifu
12 PM – Mar Biddle
1 PM – Crew Despres
2 PM – Maribol Inshan
3 PM – Hogan Baily
4 PM – acidicloop Exonar
5 PM – Zoree Jupiter

Sunday 4 April 2021

10 AM – Neon Bits (Psiquence)
12 PM – RickPepper
1 PM – Tim Anadyr
2 PM – Ricardo Avalira
3 PM – ian Bleac
4 PM – HarperDeLaney
5 PM – UnBes0Grande

Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time!

Your, Lion Club Team!

Nita Wunderlich – Club Lion Owner

Art Promotion

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