13th Anniversary of Hiroshi Kumaki’s Debut “An Endless Journey”

Concert by Hiroshi Kumaki

It was October 27 thirteen years ago, when Hiroshi Kumaki made a debut in the Second Life’s music scene. He has given the anniversary event since then, thanking his friends for giving him support, and played his and their favorite repertories.

But, this year, Hiroshi’s anniversary concert is not retrospective.

As he did in the first SL performance, Hiroshi will improvise on the synthesizers and piano to create a musical environment that has never been.

Hiroshi has been collaborating with Kerupa Flow, a Second Life artist whose installations and exhibitions you may have seen at LEA or Burn2, on improvisational interaction of music and visual arts these years.

This time too, Kerupa designs the stage and will produce visual effects responding to Hiroshi’s sound of music.

This will be a special event of light and sound. So don’t miss it!

Mark the calendar and be a witness!

Teleport: YMB Park

Image by Hiroshi Kumaki

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