11 February 2021 – 11 AM SLT

Lyrical songs are the pinnacle of Russian folk musical creativity, a vivid example of the artistic creativity of the people. They introduced a special artistic language and samples of high poetry into the national culture, reflected the spiritual beauty, ideals and aspirations of the people, the moral foundations of life. They began to appear in the XVI-XVII centuries, and their heyday came in the XVIII century.

Lyric songs are a kind of folk song genre. Including motives of a symbolic nature, they reflect the world of human feelings and experiences. The songs contain the sincerity of people’s experiences, the attitude and quality of the national character.

Dasha Bezumnaya Maxa invites you to a concert called

“Unforgotten melodies of hearts”. Her singing can be expressed in one phrase:

“Music gives way to one love; But love is also a melody.”

Winter Slavic Rebirth 2021 Teleport

Image by ViktorSavior de Grataine (viktorsavior)

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