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Today I was in the mood for a gothic look, but I didn’t want to spend too much.
For this FLF (Fifty Linden Fridays) Bonbon has put on sale for 50 L $ some hair that is love.
Find 3 packages, each costing L $ 50 : naturals , colors, and ombres.
I chose ombres to create this gothic style.

After Bonbon, I went to POUT! where I got this incredible group gift (joining the group is free): lipstick with a decidedly gothic look!

╰┈➤Teleport: Bonbon

╰┈➤Teleport: POUT!

Bonbon Hair (50 L$ limited time) + POUT! lipstick group gift

Leggi in Italiano

Oggi avevo voglia di un look gothic, ma non avevo voglia di spendere troppo.
Per questo FLF (Fifty Linden Fridays) Bonbon ha messo in vendita per 50 L$ dei capelli che sono un amore.
Trovi 3 pacchetti, ciascuno costa 50 L$: naturals, colors and ombres.
Io ho scelto ombres per creare questo stile gotico.

Dopo Bonbon, sono andata da POUT! dove ho preso questo incredibile group gift (l’adesione al gruppo è gratis): un lipstick dal look decisamente gotico!

╰┈➤Teleport: Bonbon

╰┈➤Teleport: POUT!

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I love communication in all its aspects. I like to share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge with the Second Life community. I created the VIRTUALITY blog and 360 GRADI Magazine with this goal in mind.
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