17. April 2021 – 1:30 PM SLT

I Vicoli & Museum Island presents, “The forest of O” written by Seta Rosea!

Actors: Alecta Charleville, Kiedis Baxton, John Noone & Carleonie

Sound design: John Noone

Second Life Endowment for the Arts Teleport

“I Vicoli and Museum Island present the show “The forest of O'” on April 17th at 1.30pm SLT at land SLEA 4 N / E.

It is our first show in English.

The show was born from an idea of Seta Rosea with the fundamental collaboration of John Noone, Alecta Charleville, Carle Carleonie, Kiedis Baxton, Kamille Martian, Morgan Darkrose Lotrec Oh, who will be engaged as set designers, video director and audio director. The show like all the previous ones of the “Vicoli” is live and will surely be an engaging experience that will see the audience immersed in the scenography.

The theme of the show is …

The Forest of O ‘is an unknown place and the alley where one does not enter for fear of finding oneself.
But the road has been traced and so come on tiptoe, quietly and let yourself be enveloped by the cloak of the emotions of a blue night with lightning, thunder and then stars.
you will find your star that will tell you something more about how you are, respecting a mystery … called soul”

Seta Rosea

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