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12. November 2020 – 12:30 PM SLT

2 PM SLT – ′′Concert for Peace′′ by Fernando Sribe

In memory of Nassiriya project 2020
Not to forget the fallen Italian, military and civilian and intelligence services, who lost their lives in the International Peace Support Missions

Cerimonia di Ricordo dei Caduti Italiani, militari e civili e dei servizi d’Intelligence, che hanno perso la vita nelle Missioni Internazionali di supporto alla Pace.

In Memory of Nassiriya Project

For those who want to visit the Memorial Garden, it is always open to the public in Cyaboz land and where, on the occasion of November 4, a crown was placed in honor of the fallen Italian on peacekeeping missions.

The ceremony, usually travelling, this year is hosted by the sim of Camp Italia.

It will be followed by the ′′ Concert for Peace ′′ by the wonderful pianist Fernando Sribe who will perform at 23:00 pm Italian time, 2:00 pm SLT, in the area of the terrace on the sea.

“In Italy, in 2009, a law was passed to remember the fallen Italians in peacekeeping missions.

The L. 162/2009 establishes the ′′ Day of Remembrance of Italian military fallen for peace “, identifying it on November 12, the date on which they lost their lives in the attack of Nassiriya seventeen military and two Italian civilians.

During the occasion of the anniversary, public administrations can organize commemorative and celebratory ceremonies, as well as promote, especially in schools, the organization of studies, meetings and other initiatives to reflect on international peace missions and the value of the sacrifice of military and civilian fallen ….

As part of the activities planned for the Day of Remembrance, the law also provides for the organization of an award by the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the best twenty works – such as essays, compositions and artistic representations – carried out by students of the second degree higher education institutions, each representing an Italian region, and covering the themes of the sacrifice of the fallen in international peace missions, brotherhood and cooperation between peoples.

Following the entry into force of the law, the single article of Law 204/2012 changed the date of the recurrence of the ′′ Day of Remembrance of Sailors who disappeared at sea “, established in 2002 and originally established for November 12 …. To avoid coincidence with fallen military day of remembrance for peace, the new date has been set for September 9.”Around Peace in the World

Camp Italia

Asia Conell

Nassiriya: per non dimenticare!

Violet Boa P.R.

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