13th November 2020 – 11:30 AM SLT

Limited time Expo “Japanese Landscapes-Russian Soul” by Viktor Savior de Grataine

Music set by Безу́мная Макса (dasha1981) from Russian Theater “Orchid”

Teleport to Asian Show in Dragon Sanctuary

Dear ladies and gentlemen.

Some unusual works are offered to your attention, in which, it would seem, such different elements as Japanese painting – sumi-e and Russian classical poetry are harmoniously combined.

I always wanted to show the best that was created in my home country and that which most often do not know all over the world. But I was also always attracted by the spiritual component in Asian culture and the ability to express much by minimal means.

The composition and the figures are made up of individual strokes.
The artist’s task does not include photographically accurate reproduction of reality.
In contrast to the Western style of painting, the technique of drawing brushstrokes and the ability to create a harmonious composition are more important for sumi-e, discarding all that is secondary and presenting only the essence of things.
From the very first drawing, I realized that my landscapes are not Asian, they reflect the Russian soul much more and, instead of the haiku, it is the poems of Russian poets that fit harmoniously.

I hope that you will not be in a hurry considering the work. They deserve your attention.

ViktorSavior de Grataine

ViktorSavior de Grataine

Art Promotion

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