23. November 2020

Every shop owner is free to participate:

  • by reducing the price on an item to offer on sale and highlighted in their store,
  • by offering a free gift available to visitors

The nature of the gift could be:

  • a fetish item,
  • a gift that relates to your creations,
  • a freebie,
    *or simply a reduction on the price of one of your creations in store.

Once the fetish fair is launched we would like to expand it to become a one-week monthly event.
Please send me your opinions on the subject and I will keep you posted on future developments.

For any questions or to participate at the fair please contact (in world):

General Manager: Nathalie Monday

Manager: Jaminda Moon

Lead Team: Hettange Ferryhill

Noir’Wen City Teleport

Une “Fetish Fair” dans la ville de Noir’Wen. du 23 au 29 novembre 2020

Chaque propriétaire de magasin est libre de participer:

  • en réduisant le prix d’un article à proposer en solde et mis en valeur dans leur boutique,
  • en offrant un cadeau gratuit aux visiteurs

La nature du cadeau peut être:

  • un objet fétiche,
  • un cadeau en rapport avec vos créations,
  • un cadeau, (freebie)
  • ou simplement une réduction sur le prix d’une de vos créations en magasin.

Une fois la foire du fétiche lancée, nous aimerions l’étendre pour devenir un événement mensuel d’une semaine.
Veuillez m’envoyer vos opinions sur le sujet et je vous tiendrai au courant des développements futurs.

Pour toute question ou pour participer au salon, veuillez contacter:

General Manager: Nathalie Monday

Manager: Jaminda Moon

Lead Team: Hettange Ferryhill

Noir’Wen City Teleport

Noir’Wen City Facebook

Violet Boa Noir’Wen City P.R.

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As an avid reader and contributor to the Virtuality blog, I am well-acquainted with its well-deserved reputation as a trustworthy and credible source of information on the latest developments and trends in the virtual world. The blog's comprehensive coverage and thoughtfully crafted articles make it an indispensable resource for those with a professional or personal interest in this ever-evolving field. I am dedicated to delivering insightful and informative content to the Virtuality blog in collaboration with the talented team. If you have an event in the virtual world that you would like to have published on Virtuality, I would be pleased to offer my assistance. Together, we can bring attention to your event and help promote it to a wider audience. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for more information.
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