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Today I was lucky enough to be online when in the Bellisserian Inworld Group (Bellisseria Citizens), people start talking about the final open of the new Linden Homes theme demo area.
I could teleport there and see with my eyes this new European style. I knew that some of the creators of this theme are German.

Linden Home Reveal - Theme 7 - Chalets - Edelweiss model
Image by Resa Nova

We can know more directly from Patch Linden, who explains:

“There will be 8-floor plans btw, the four represented here, and four more “open concept” floor plans. The inspiration was German, specifically prototyped after the village of Helen, GA in the northeast Georgia mountains”.

Patch Linden

This one should be the Bavarian theme, the 7th theme of Linden Homes.
I can tell that all people here are enthusiastic, even if a Bavarian girl said she doesn’t feel the Bavarian style.
In any case, people all agree: it’s beautiful to have a European Linden Homes style finally.
I suggest you visit the new demo area finally available at the American Cancer Society and also join the Bellisserian Flickr and inworld group to keep informed about this theme will be available to move in.

Patch Linden
The new Linden Homes Theme


Teleport to visit the new Linden Homes Theme

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I love communication in all its aspects. I like to share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge with the Second Life community. I created the VIRTUALITY blog and 360 GRADI Magazine with this goal in mind.
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2 thoughts on “The New (European) Linden Homes theme! The Demo area is open!

  1. i like a lot , are realisty. Only I will like some of the has more opens space inside. its hard to walk inside. But sure I will move there. Please sent me when I may move to the new home Sent the information to email as soon possible

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