16 January 2021 – 11 AM SLT

Welcome you at personal expo opening!

at “Winter Slavic Rebirth 2021” – is a proud recipient of a Second Life Endowment for The Arts Grant Award located at SLEA Region 1 January 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021.

His amazing work is full of deep content and invites the viewer to look beyond the ordinary and see beauty in detail and shades of color.

Famous SL models from 4 countries: Russia, USA, Mexico, New Zealand, created amazing and vivid images inspired by artworks of Looker Lumet, paying tribute to the artist and dance will be presented to your attention, performed by our models as a gratitude to Looker for his amazing work.

Dance directors: leaders of the Russian theater group

“Orchid” Max Lvovich and Dasha.

DJ & Host Безу́мная Макса (dasha1981)

Dress code recommended: winter casual, winter medieval/role-play

Teleport to SLEA, Region 1 – Winter Slavic Rebirth 2021

Image by ViktorSavior de Grataine (viktorsavior)

Art Promotion

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