Second Life® Art

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Speaking of Art in Second Life®, it is worth mentioning the importance that photography has in the virtual environment. In fact, one of the most popular hobbies and pleasant inside the metaverse of Linden Lab ® is just the photograph.

In most cases, it comes to fashion photography related to the environment, so shots that immortalize clothes, look and dress ideas for men, women, and children.

There are lots of Flickr accounts related to “photographers of Second Life®.”

In some (rare) cases in the SL® photograph we can find art.

In this sense, one of my favorite artists is Awesome Fallen. In her photographs, the use of colors, the “depth of field” effect, light and, in some cases, the montage of different images to create something new, are used to communicate.

................... Bad thoughts

The titles of her works and phrases that she often uses to clarify her feelings help the viewer to “enter into her artistic world.”

I saw this extraordinary artist at several events, but I must admit that contemplate her Flickr is always my preferred choice.

voyages through the soul ............ third

I think the images speak extensively of her, of her way of interacting with virtual reality, seeing it as an excellent opportunity to give vent to creativity and imagination. The Fallen style is varied, in some cases it is reassuring landscapes, in other instances of disturbing montages.

......Queen of Hearts ...........

Whatever its stylistic choice, Awesome is definitely a splendid example of a virtual artist.


Awesome Fallen Flickr

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