18 February 2021 – 11 AM SLT

Welcome to an Ambre Singh exhibition & live concert by

RickyLiveMusic @Noir´Wen City

Dress code: Casual

Noir´Wen City Teleport

Ambre about exhibition:

Gabrielle d’Estrées and one of her sisters is a painting by an unknown author of the Fontainebleau School, painted around 1594. This oil on oak panel is kept in the Louvre museum. The woman on the left side, supposedly Julienne d’Estrées, Duchess of Villars, is pinching the red-lined breast of her sister Gabrielle d’Estrées.

After intense research in the archives of the dusty cellars of the Louvre, it was discovered that Gabrielle d’Estrées’ nipple attracted lust, and that many members of the court had had the privilege of playing with it.

In a world premiere, here is the complete collection of the works of the School of Fontainebleau, illustrating the privileged who had access to the noble nipple, but also revealing the fantasies that the said privileged had about the assets of the royal mistress.

Ambre Singh
Holder of the Chair of Art History at Noir’WEn University, Ambre Singh is often regarded as the Lara Croft of 10th to 18th century art. Intrepid, insensitive to controversy and immune to the dust of the catacombs of the SLouvre, she invites us to discover the most beautiful nipples of the 15th century. With obvious pleasure, she also brings to light the lightness of the mores of this period.

All info’s about Ambre and her work you can read on her Website

Ricky is a professional singer, producer and songwriter. Pianist and guitar player.

Ricky is a very talented Musician whose range of musical styles goes from Opera, to Country, Jazz, Pop, blues, rock, reggae, dance hall, hip-hop music, Latin, etc.

In Real Life Ricky have done several TV Shows as lead singer of musicals and talk shows band, worked with live bands & he was at conservatory of music and have voice lessons of classical and jazz music.

Ricky will be very happy to sing your favorite song for you or your loved ones.

Welcome for the beauty of thinking in sounds!

Listen Ricky’s Music on SoundCloud

Ricky’s Event Calendar

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