9 December 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Attention all Valmoorian Elites!

“This Thursday, in the spirit of the Roaring Twenties, Valmoor brings you The Great Gatsby Party, ready to channel the exuberance, decadence and spirit of revelry of that time!

Please join us in this ecstatic celebration of excess, on the tunes of the era brought by Kanjena Sweetleaf & Elizabeth Dovgal!

Sooo… get your flapper outfit, Gibson Girls and cocktail dresses out! Guys, grab your black tie / tux and come PARTY with us:

Music: DJ Kanjena Sweetleaf & Elizabeth Dovgal

Dress Code: Flapper, Gibson Girl, Black Tie, 1920 Cocktail Chique

Valmoor Grand Ballroom Teleport 

(the place will be open for all during the time of the party)

PS: Sim will be open for all: bring your friends!

Megan Prumier & Mako Vitti

PPS: Surplus Motors will give away one amazing Gatsby RITTER car during the event! Don’t miss this!

PPPS Join our Discord

Pic by our ownest Flapper Megan Prumier

Art Promotion

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