October, 1st – 6 AM SLT – 22 JST

A video recording of Tia Rungray and Hebeerryke Caravan´s exclusive ‘LIVE: Ghostmarch‘ performance on 17 September will be premiered at Spiralo.
It will also be available on Tia Rungray’s YouTube channel.

9月17日に行ったTia RungrayHebeerryke Caravanによる限定公演「LIVE:Ghostmarch」の記録映像をSpiraloでプレミア上映します。
Tia RungrayのYouTubeチャンネル上でもご覧にいただけます。


YouTube Live Stream

Spiralo Teleport

Welcome for the beauty of thinking in sounds!


Team “LIVE:Ghostmarch”
Music & Live Performance: Tia Rungray
Video Projection: Hebeerryke Caravan
Art Direction: Takayuki Noami (Non-REM Studio)
Modelling: Hazama


Please visit, listen & follow Tia Rungray:

INFO GROUP – In World SL – Website – YouTube – Facebook – Twitter – Flickr

Apple Music – Spotify

Bookings to: Tialer Mimulus or Violet Boa 


 Art Promotion 

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