28 November 2021 – 12 PM SLT

Dear Friends,

join us for one exclusive event at the mystical Coven of Crows!

Chillaxing with DiXmiX

Coven of Crows Teleport

Coven of Crows Teleport

“Coven of Crows is a place between worlds, ruled by crows and magical souls. This is both a place of storied journeys and a community space to gather and connect. There is an undercurrent of the mystical, a world beyond this one where crows have taken over a long-forgotten magical land. – Created and owned by Sena Hartsong

Spend time exploring, hanging out in the gathering place next to the Full Moon club or the old library cave, or taking photos. It’s meant to be a place for contemplation, creativity and great music and dancing when events take place.

The Coven Of Crows Group

Join the group for rez rights and to be up to date on announcements for upcoming events.

I ask that you only rez what you need to take photographs and then please pick up after yourself.

This is also a Moderate sim so please be mindful of that.

Coven Of Crows Flickr Group

Join the group and please share your photos. I’m dying to see what you create.

Coven Of Crows Discord

Join to chat, meet others and get updates on Witchy things like the latest astrological report or photography or the latest music event.

Sim Rules

Be kind to yourself and others.
It’s a moderate sim, act accordingly.
Enjoy your time here!

A Shout Out

Putting a sim together takes a lot of time, thought and energy. I had tremendous help from Rock Scholessinger who did the majority of the terraforming that became the skeleton for my build. Huge gratitude alwaysl

Soulstice Ecliptica created this beautiful video. Deep thanks for the beauty!

Then there are those friends who spent so much of their time listening to me lament about this place and how much I wanted the process to speed up, but it just never did. Thank you. I love you. And your support means the world!

Misc House Keeping

Questions can be directed to me, Sena Hartsong .

And please leave a note in the sign in book at the landing point. I’d love to hear what you think of the place!”

Dixmix Source – Curator – Dixmix Gallery – Flickriver

Art Promotion

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As an avid reader and contributor to the Virtuality blog, I am well-acquainted with its well-deserved reputation as a trustworthy and credible source of information on the latest developments and trends in the virtual world. The blog's comprehensive coverage and thoughtfully crafted articles make it an indispensable resource for those with a professional or personal interest in this ever-evolving field. I am dedicated to delivering insightful and informative content to the Virtuality blog in collaboration with the talented team. If you have an event in the virtual world that you would like to have published on Virtuality, I would be pleased to offer my assistance. Together, we can bring attention to your event and help promote it to a wider audience. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for more information.
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