24 July 2021 – 1 PM SLT

In second part of Retrospective 2020 – 2021 Dixmix Gallery presents, selected art work from;

Catherine Nikolaidis
Moki Yuitza
Maloe Vansant
Dixmix Source
Mrs S
Caly Applewhyte
Lika Cameo
Cecilia Nansen
Moon Edenbaum
Vallys Baxter
Anu Papp

Please feel warmly invited and take the golden opportunity to support the excellent artists presented by Dixmix Gallery in 2020 and 2021. For the musical accompaniment during the exhibition we have invited Noirran who will play a special set for us, in the area above the Gallery created by Megan on the roof of the Dixmix Gallery especially for the summer parties 2021.

Roof Party with DJ Noirran Marx

On behalf of all the presenting artists, we wish you a lot of fun and joy and look forward to your numerous presence in advance!

Your Dixmix Gallery Team!

Dixmix Gallery Teleport

Dixmix Source – Curator – Dixmix Gallery – Flickriver

Art Promotion – Dixmix Gallery PR

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