Table of Contents

The “Still Life” exhibition by Mareea Farrasco at West End Gallery@Austin Island features a diverse collection of photographs, each with its unique perspective and mood. Here are some of the selected photos on display:

Autumn Fruits– a beautiful still life photograph of a vase with colorful flowers set against the backdrop of autumn leaves. The warm colors and soft focus create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

“Autumn Fruits” by Mareea Farrasco

“BrokenVase” – a photograph of a vase that appears to be cracked and broken, creating a sense of fragility and vulnerability. The muted color palette and soft lighting add to the overall mood of the photo.

“BrokenVase” by Mareea Farrasco

“Reading Hours” – a still life photograph of a book, a pair of glasses, on a table. The warm tones and soft lighting create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, evoking the feeling of a quiet afternoon spent reading.

“Reading Hours” by Mareea Farrasco

“The Yellow Rose” is a photograph featuring a solitary yellow rose positioned against a sculpture set amidst a beautiful and illuminated backdrop. The usage of a soft focus and a limited depth of field results in an intimate and proximate feel, as if the spectator is experiencing a private moment with the flower.

“The Yellow Rose” by Mareea Farrasco

These are just a few examples of the beautiful photographs on display in the “Still Life” exhibition. Each photo invites the viewer to take a closer look and appreciate the beauty and complexity of everyday objects.

Mareea is a versatile photographer who captures various subjects, from portraits to landscapes, still life to narrative scenes. Each of her images reflects a unique perspective, and she strives to create a dialogue between herself and her audience. Her love for pastel colors is apparent in her work, expressing a nostalgic and painterly mood. However, she is not afraid to explore other color palettes, adding color accents or contrasting dark shades and shadows to convey emotions.

Mareea has stated that her exhibition, “Still Life,” differs from her previous exhibitions in two significant ways. Firstly, she has never approached this theme as an entire project before. While she has previously taken a closer look at some particular objects, these were presented as singular photos within landscaping contexts.

Secondly, in “Still Life,” she proposes an implicit comparison between some photos taken in SL and others created with AI (MidJourney), attempting to unify them as style and vision. It is up to the visitors to decide whether she has succeeded in this endeavor.

West End Gallery@Austin Island

Artist Biography

Greetings, I am Mareea, a Second Life photographer and the proud owner of IMAGO Land and IMAGO Art Galleries. I have been a part of this virtual world since 2009, and during this time, I have dedicated myself to capturing the beauty of life through the lens of my camera.

As a photographer, I am versatile and capture various subjects, from portraits to landscapes, still life to narrative scenes. Each of my images reflects a unique perspective, and I strive to capture every moment and mood, creating a dialogue between myself and my audience.

My love for pastel colors is apparent in my work, expressing a nostalgic and painterly mood. However, I am not afraid to explore other color palettes, adding color accents or contrasting dark shades and shadows to convey emotions, ranging from joy to fear, as they relate to my current state of mind.

As the owner and curator of IMAGO Land and IMAGO Art Galleries, I provide a serene and engaging environment for visitors to explore, relax, and enjoy the talents of highly skilled artists on display in our galleries. My goal is to provide a platform for artists to share their work and provide inspiration for those who visit our galleries.

Every photograph I create represents a small step in my personal journey, one that is full of noise and wonder. I invite you to explore my world and my vision through my Flickr page, where I share my latest works. Additionally, I welcome you to visit IMAGO galleries, where I hope you will find a peaceful space to admire the talents of Second Life’s finest artists.

The “Still Life” exhibition by Mareea Farrasco

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